          想要,卻不知如何要的原台灣人●eachouchen 【Comment】這是網友eachouchen對AIT特展的回應。先撇開蔣介石的軍事統治(其實,邱吉爾對愛爾蘭、對印度或許更兇),eachouchen所言確為他山之石,值得我們自我關照反省。如果情緒比理智先浮上來,就又浪費一次討論、革心的機會了。和先前 酒肉朋友一樣,題目是我加的,中文是我翻譯的。 想要,卻不知如何要的原台灣人●eachouchen 當日本戰敗時,原台灣人(people of Taiwan)曾經告訴世界自己要什麼?在中國人19 G200045年抵達台灣時,原台灣人甚至歡迎中國人,這真讓美國人洩氣。 原台灣人的一個大問題是,絕大多數原台灣人是非常怯於表達自己所想要的,也怯於在事情發生時站出來。絕大多數原台灣人無法思考一個「可行的」方案 會場佈置,更不用說去「實踐」方案了。原台灣人擅於當事情發生後不斷重複高呼,卻找不到方法去改變它。而且學歷越高的,越這樣。 當美國人在十多年前決定改變現存的政治地位,他們曾詢問幾位所謂的菁英,以便進行這計劃,可是,沒有人願意接 西裝外套下這任務。此舉讓美國人體會,絕大多數原台灣人是膽怯的,不願意承擔這項歷史計劃的完全責任。只要有機會,絕大多數原台灣人只想在財務與政治位置上佔便宜。 當我們已手指頭指著別人石,我們必須捫心自問:我們到底貢獻出多少?在原台灣人受盡65年的折磨 房屋貸款時,誰該負責?美國人,或是原台灣人自己呢? Did the people of Taiwan have ever told the world what they wanted, when Japan was defeated in the WWII? Never. The people of Tawain even welcomed Chinese while Chinese arrived Taiwan in 1945 that was really 賣房子 frustrated American. One of the biggest problems of the people of Taiwan is that most people of Taiwan are very afraid to speak out what they want and stand out when something are happening. Most people of Taiwan are unable to think one workable proposal and not to mention to exe 花蓮民宿cute it, but will keep murmuring after somethings already done and no way to change. This happens even more often to those who have the highest academic degree. When American decided to change the current politcal position more than ten years ago, they have asked several so-called elite persons to manage th 婚禮顧問is project, but none of them were willing to accept this. It tells American that most people of Taiwan are so coward that they are not willing to take full responsble of this historical project. Most people of Taiwan only want to take the most advantage in finance and political position when those are available. When we 21世紀房屋仲介point finger to others, we have to ask ourselves how much we have contributed it. In this particular incidence for the people of Taiwan suffering more than 65 years, who is to be blamed most? American or the people of Taiwan? .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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